St Lawrence


'Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.' (Proverbs 22:6)


Year 3

Class Teacher

Miss Bew

We are a positive, enthusiastic class who love to learn.

In year 3 we work hard and enjoy challenges. Learning is fun and we aim to become more confident, independent learners as the year progresses.

Our topic is 'Emperors and Empires'

Our new topic has a History focus in the Romans and is called…Emperors and Empires.

We will start our new topic with our school trip to Butser Ancient Farm on the 7th March  2025. Here we will be able to see homes and artefacts from the Stone to Bronze Age we did in Autumn Term and from the Roman Era.

Our Art project will link to Romans - Mosaics

Our English book also includes travel and adventure and is called Oliver and the Seawigs and our guided reading book is Tilly and the Time Machine.

Art Knowledge Organiser

History Knowledge Organiser

RE Knowledge Organiser

Science Knowledge Organiser

Long Term Plan Half Term Plan Timetable


Homework - Homework will be set every Tuesday and needs to be completed by the following Monday.

Reading - Reading is very important and we would like the children to have a reading book with them every day. They will have a banded school reading books and a ‘reading for pleasure book.’

Please can the children read their books 5 times per week and record this is the homework diary. Those that don’t read at home may be required to stay in and read at playtime.

Year 3 Suggested Reading List

English - Every week there will be English homework will be stuck into a book to be completed.

Maths - Maths homework will be alternated each week. There will either be work set on or The login for these have also been placed in the homework diaries.

Spellings - Spelling words are given out on a Tuesday. We revise them during the week in class but it is still necessary to learn these words at home for the spelling test the following Monday.


Each week we have a PE lessons which will take place outside on Mondays and indoor on Wednesday.

Please make sure your child wears the correct PE kit to school on these days. Please make sure all earrings are removed. We also take part in the Daily Mile on non PE days.