St Lawrence


'Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.' (Proverbs 22:6)


Year 2

Class Teacher

Miss Temple on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon


Mrs Ross on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Welcome to Year 2.

We are a kind class who love learning about new things and try our best every day.

Our Topic is: "Scented Garden"

This half term, the children will be using their senses to discover blooming foliage and the enchanting fragrances of flowers and herbs. Round and round the mulberry bush we go, planting bulbs and seeds, and then watch them grow beneath sunshine and showers. They will explore the astounding world of the scented garden, learning to be careful, as there are some wild and dangerous plants out there that do astonishing things. They will use the marvellous properties of plants, flowers and herbs to create fabulous artwork. Let’s turn those fingers green and learn some gardening skills.

In English, we will be reading The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. A beautifully illustrated story that takes the reader on a heat-warming and magical tale.  The children will be focusing on writing stories with a clear beginning, middle and end. 

In Maths, we are using the White Rose scheme for Year 2. This will be building on knowledge learned year 1 and supporting all levels, so that every child is able to progress.

For our RE lessons, we follow the Guildford Diocese recommended curriculum.

We will be also working on other parts of the curriculum, so that everyone has a chance to shine.

Art and Design Knowledge OrganiserRE Knowledge OrganiserScience Knowledge Organiser

Long Term Plan Half Term Plan Timetable


Every week the children will be given their homework on Monday, to be completed by the following Monday.

They will be given:

  • Weekly spellings to learn;
  • SPAG activities, focusing on Grammar and Punctuation, which will be sent home in their Orange homework book.
  • For Maths:

In addition, we ask for them to read for 15 minutes every day.

This is an important part of their learning and will support and reinforce their progress during the year.

Please look at the list below of recommended books to read with your child. Sharing books with them is something you can do regularly to support them in their learning.

Listen to your child read and read to them. Ask them questions about what they are reading: Do they understand all of the language? Are they following the plot developments? Can they make predictions about the progression of the story? Have they understood what's being inferred by the author?

These books are recommendations only, not compulsory!

Year 2 Suggested Reading List


On Monday afternoons, the children will be enjoying Indoor PE.

On Thursday afternoons the children will be following Outdoor PE.