"Well done year 2! You were all absolutely fabulous today (and) I enjoyed every minute. Thank you for allowing me to join you!" (Parent- Guest speaker, May 2024)
"I very much enjoyed my visit this morning- both the assembly and presentation about the universe and my chat with the school council. Being given a gold star by Mrs Chenery was the icing on the cake." (Cllr Richard Tear, March 2024)
"Thank you so much for helping (our son) achieve his best potential. We are truly grateful" (Parent, January 2024)
"Articulate, bright & engaged children and a Headteacher very passionate about their learning." (Prospective parent, July 2023)
"I really enjoyed my time and would like to thank everyone for being so kind and welcoming. Thank you for taking the time to organise my placement and making my time really enjoyable." (Work experience student, March 2023)
“Everybody in the school is so nice, and cares about all the pupils and their education, and that’s really nice.” (Former pupil, January 2023)
“What a joyous occasion - the celebration of Christmas brought tears to our eyes and smiles to all the audience this morning! All the children were so confident and totally engaged in their parts! Every single child looked so happy and who would have known that there were so many absentees, resulting in last minute changes and the juggling of parts. Well done to all the wonderful staff - including those responsible for the props, costumes, sound, lighting, tea makers and most of all - the children!” (Governor, December 2022)
“Wow! What a wonderful afternoon of joyous entertainment! Huge congratulations to all the staff on an epic production! The children’s singing, particularly in the upper school, was so strong and enthusiastic and as always, they mastered their words really well.” (Governor, December 2022)
“I adored the school. The Head was so passionate … and the children we met were lovely” (Prospective Parent, November 2022)
"Everything at this school runs so well, it is so clear you are a great team!" (Parent, June 2022)
"Sports Day was fantastic! Thank you to all involved." (Parent , June 2022)
"The children (were) quite delightful. Chobham is very lucky to have such a lovely school in its midst." (Member of the local community, June 2022)
"We did enjoy the tea party last Friday. Not only were the cakes delicious the weather was lovely. The biggest plus to the afternoon were the children who were quite delightful and they carried out their duties perfectly. We are thrilled to hear that the iPads are being put to good use and a use you didn’t expect, that is helping the two Ukrainian children communicate with their classmates. Hopefully they will settle in to life in the UK very quickly. Chobham is very fortunate to have such a lovely school in its midst." (Ipad benefactors, June 2022)
"The children, without exception, were polite and well-behaved, participating fully in the short time they were at the museum. It was an absolute pleasure to involve them - albeit very briefly - in Chobham's Stone Age - Romans period......ending with an introduction to Cebba. Their visit made my day, and, I hope, gave them a (very) small insight into our area's history". (The Chobham Museum, June 2022)
"I thoroughly enjoyed taking assembly this morning and it was so lovely to see the whole school together once again. I was so impressed as Anne took us on a tour of the classrooms to experience RE teaching across the school. Without exception, the quality of teaching was first class and the children were all very well engaged in their learning and a great credit to the school as always. Please pass on my sincere thanks to the staff for allowing us to invade their classroom space - it was so inspirational!" (Governor, May 2022)
"Please can you thank Mrs Tucker, and all the teachers, teaching assistants and children, for welcoming us into school this morning to see the children in RE lessons, as part of our Learning Walk. We really enjoyed seeing each year group in their RE lesson and it was great to see so many children talking about what they are learning, and what this means to them". Thank you! (Governor, May 2022)
"I just wanted to say how impressed I was with the children, they were so well behaved and polite. More than that, their thoughtful responses to the reflective activities were wonderful, they are clearly used to thinking and reflecting about big questions”. (Schools Officer, Diocese of Guildford, June 2021)
"We have viewed the school welcome video by Mrs Chenery and must say that we are most impressed by the school, its ethos and teaching standards". (Prospective Parents, November 2020)
"It was lovely to meet you at the Smile Inside celebration. The older people who met the children were so delighted by the chance to spend some time with them. Thank you for making such an effort to bring them along." (Smile Inside, September 2020)
"What an amazing school you have. This was one of my favourite shoots so far!" (Photographer, September 2020)
"I think the school has been amazing during this time - everyone has been supportive, clear and available throughout." (Parent, September 2020)
"We are very proud of [our son's] achievements during primary school and are grateful to all at St Lawrence for their nurture and care." (Parent, September 2020)
"We are VERY impressed with how the school as a whole reacted to the situation and with the provision. Thank you very much for what must have been monumental efforts to get everything up and running. And to maintain it!." (Parent, September 2020)
"Thank you to such a wonderful school for bringing out the best in [our daughter]." (Parent, September 2020)
"Thank you for all you have done as a school to support the children and parents throughout this challenging time. It was clear that all the staff worked incredibly hard and the children really benefited from this." (Parent, September 2020)
"I would like to say a big thank you to all the staff who have done a brilliant job during this really challenging time. We have been really impressed with how well the school has handled the situation and how well they have been able to support the children." (Parent, September 2020)