School Meals
We are very fortunate to have a large, well equipped kitchen with a wonderful catering team that provide the children with nutritious and tasty meals each lunchtime.
School meals must be prebooked for a full half term through Reach More Parents account which allows all children a choice from two different meals each day. Our pupils in years 5 and 6 have an additional choice as part of preparation for their transition to secondary school.
In KS1, school lunches are free as part of the Government's Universal Free School Meals Programme.
In KS2, the majority of children opt to have school lunches however you can provide your child with a packed lunch if you prefer. We do ask that you ensure that the packed lunch is well balanced and does not contain sweets and chocolate.
Further information on allergens can be found in the documents below.
Twelve 15 Allergies and special diets menus can be found here.
Packed lunches
There are many sources of ideas on packing a healthy lunch, in short the guidance recommends that it should contain :
- a starchy food for energy (wholegrain bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, couscous)
- a protein food for growth (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, beans, peas)
- fruit, vegetables, salad for essential nutrients (fresh or dried fruit, salad items)
- a dairy food for calcium (milk, cheese, yogurt, fromage frais)
- water
Foods with high salt, sugar or fat content should be minimised where possible (crisps, high fat spreads, cakes and biscuits, white bread). Due to nut allergies in the school we cannot allow any products containing nuts. Our policy is that no sweets or chocolate are permitted in lunch boxes.
The Change4Life website offers some ideas on healthy options for packed lunches.