We have good facilities for sports and our pupils receive 2 hours of teaching per week. In addition the Daily Mile enables us to offer at least another 45 minutes of timetabled exercise. We have two netball courts and markings for a variety of other sports. Our school field is marked out with two football pitches, rounders pitches and a running track.
Outdoor games lessons are taken by our Sports Teaching Assistant and the class teachers and teaching assistants.
We aim to teach a progression of skills; starting in Reception and building on this up to Year 6. We also aim to develop a love of sport and enable pupils to enjoy activities which they may choose to continue outside school.
Pupils will be taught to
- use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination ·
- play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, basketball, cricket, football, lacrosse netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
- develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance (for example, through athletics and gymnastic)
- perform dances using a range of movement patterns ·
- take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
- compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best
- develop confidence and ability to analyse their own performance and performance of others and to lead others to improve their performance
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.
- use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke) perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situation
At St Lawrence Primary School we recognise the importance of PE and the benefits children gain from taking part in a form of sport. The intent of our PE curriculum is to develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, to ensure that children are physically active for sustained periods of time and provide all children with high quality PE and sport provision. Our teaching promotes a healthy lifestyle and gives opportunities to work together as a team and set personal challenges. We have excellent facilities including a large playing field, netball courts and our own swimming pool. We teach a variety of sports to pupils and offer the opportunity to represent the school in competitive sports and activities, or to take part in coaching with other schools. Through teaching of PE, we will provide opportunities for children to develop their sportsmanship, focussing on respect and fairness in a competitive and supportive way. We believe that the skills pupils gain in PE can be transferred to other subjects; so children have the tools to succeed in many areas of the curriculum.
At St Lawrence Primary, we implement a progressive PE curriculum that builds on prior knowledge and skills year on year. The PE curriculum is devised to be challenging, creative and motivating to encourage active learning and participation. Our pupils will revisit PE skills and knowledge in order to embed and deepen their understanding. The lessons are planned to ensure that all children are well supported in their learning and that there are opportunities for extension and revision. Our pupils’ learning focusses on a range of skills and activities linking to gymnastics, dance, football, tag-rugby, netball, basketball, lacrosse, cricket, rounders, tennis, athletics, OAA and team building. Our own open-air swimming pool is used for swimming lessons throughout the school. These are run by local swimming teachers.
A range of extra-curricular activities are offered, allowing children to further embed their skills and knowledge. These are either lunchtime or afterschool clubs run by teachers or by external coaches.
We develop links with local clubs and encourage children to join and play a greater role in our local community, for example: a large number of our children are members of the local football, rugby and dance clubs.
We also have Sports Captains and Play Leaders, selected by members of the Senior Leadership Team who organise and manage inter-house sporting and playground activities which run at lunchtimes. These are open to all children and provide opportunities for them to be physically active during their break times. The culmination of the year’s PE teaching is Sports Day, when all parents and carers are invited to watch and be a part of the celebration of physical activity. We are active members of the Woking Area School Partnership and our children regularly participate in level 1, 2 and 3 level competitions and festivals.
We also link to other outside providers such as outdoor education centres CYE , Sayers Croft and Surrey Outdoor Learning Centre where our pupils participate in activities to stretch, encourage, motivate and enhance skills such as resilience, collaboration, independence and problem solving.
We are a small school but participate fully in local sport; we encourage as many pupils as possible to take part and celebrate personal achievement as well as competitive success. When pupils leave St Lawrence Primary, they will have an appreciation and basic understanding of the benefits of a physical and healthy lifestyle and be equipped with the skills and knowledge to participate in a range of physical activities and sports. This applies to competitive and non-completive activities. they will take the important personal skills developed through the concept of a St Lawrence Learner such as independence, working well with others and respect to become resilient and lifelong learners.