Chair of Govs / Chairs of Committees
Our Chair of Governors is Catherine Bates.
Our Safeguarding Governor is Catherine Bates.
Governance Structure of St Lawrence C of E (aided) Primary School, Chobham
For the academic year 2023-24, the full governing body of St Lawrence C of E (aided) Primary School operates in a traditional structure with all members attending Full Governing Body meetings (one per term), plus their allocated committee meetings.
We have two formal sub committees: Resources (finances) and Curriculum & Standards (teaching, learning and data).
The governing board also meets in September of each new academic year to agree the Work Programme for the year ahead, and appoint our Chair, Vice Chairs and other roles and responsibilities for the rest of the year. The minutes of all our meetings are available to view by appointment with the school office.
We have three smaller committees:
- Pay Committee
- Headteacher’s Appraisal Committee
- Pay Appeals Committee
Membership of these committees is agreed annually in the Governing Body Business Meeting in September.
What does a Governing Body do?
- Ensures clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holds the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
- Oversees the financial performance of the school and ensures its money is well spent.
As a Voluntary Aided school the governors are also responsible for raising 10% towards any capital spending on our school.
You can contact us by emailing
Our Governing Body:
Annual Statements:
Register of interests:
Register of Interests October 2023
Register of attendance:
Register of attendance 2023-24
Register of Attendance 2022-23
Register of Attendance 2021-22
Governor Newsletter - Dec 2021