Monday 3 February 2025 Joyce Tolley Award TWe are very lucky that every year, we are able to present an award - the Joyce Tolley Award for Progression in reading - for wonderful progress in reading during KS1. 2024's winner was Evie, who although now in Year 3, made super progress in her reading throughout her time in KS1, and continues to work hard! Well done, Evie!
Tuesday 21 January 2025 Year 5 Fire Safety Year 5 had a visit from the fire service. We looked at the Fiery 5 causes of fires, spoke about fire escape plans and what to do if your clothes caught fire - stop, drop and roll. Children have been asked to check home fire alarms and have a magnet and challenge card.
Wednesday 15 January 2025 Year 2 Minibeast Workshop Year 2 had some very creepy visitors as part of our Wriggle and Crawl topic ... a minibeast workshop!
Thursday 9 January 2025 Year 6 Scientific Enquiry Last week Year 6 took part in the dissection of a pig’s heart. This is directly linked to our work in our Blood Heart Topic this term. We had other parts of the pig so we spent time identifying those first. Then we cut the heart open and tried to spot the aorta, right and left ventricle, right and left atrium and valves. It was quite tricky. If we wanted to, we could hold the heart and we were quite surprised how heavy it was. We thoroughly enjoyed this session and it sparked lots of interesting questions.
Thursday 19 December 2024 Chobham Morris Dancers We would like to say a huge thank you to the Chobham Morris dancers who, so generously, raise money for our school and have done for many years! This year, their performances have raised us nearly £1,000!
Monday 16 December 2024 Visit from Santa Thank you to Santa who made a special visit to our school. He arrived in an Army truck and very kindly gave all the children a sweet treat.
Friday 13 December 2024 Pause Day Last week we had a Pause Day which is a time for all classes to come off the timetable and do activities based on a common theme. Our theme was Advent, preparing for Christmas, but from a different point of view. We thought about how we can give to others, what our special gifts are and trying to notice what other people do for us. Each child went home with a gift tag that had a comment on written by their class mate, along with a mini advent calendar of kindness which they made.
Wednesday 11 December 2024 Year 5 and 6 Trip to Wintershall On Wednesday 11th December Years 5 and 6 went to Wintershall to take part in the recreation of the Nativity story. We moved across the site to watch different scenes unfold including the angel talking to Mary at her cottage, the innkeepers huts, the sheep and shepherds in the field and ending with the Nativity scene in the barn. We all enjoyed seeing the animals and how real the story became.
Friday 6 December 2024 Al Pinkerton, MP - Christmas Card Competition We are extremely excited to let you know that Toby T’s, Year 6 card design was the winner of Al Pinkerton’s, MP’s Christmas Card competition. Toby's card will be featured as the front design for Al's parliamentary Christmas card. In addition to Toby's success, they also felt Sienna's, Year 5, card stood out. She has therefore been picked as one of the five runners up, meaning her design will feature on the back of the card.
Thursday 28 November 2024 Year 4 Music Workshop Year 4 were treated to a musical workshop with Pete, where we were getting to grips with the science of sound. Finn, Odessa and Paige were on the guitar and Emily on the drums. We used tuning forks to hear the sound, then we got to see soundwaves on the water with the tuning forks and if we timed it right, we could even splash Mrs Sherston! Everyone got to use the electric drums and show their talents and we all got the music bug! We then used string and made phones so we could hear the sounds and feel the vibrations, then went a step further and made an epic one that went all across the classroom. It was a cool and super scientific day where we could see, feel and hear sound in action.
Thursday 21 November 2024 Year 2 Winchester Science Museum Year 2 had their Science curriculum brought to life last week on their trip to Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium. We started the day with a Rocket Ship workshop, learning about how mixing air and heat can propel a homemade rocket. We watched the whole universe in the planetarium and then spent the afternoon using the interactive equipment to learn about forces, the human body and space! The children were incredibly well behaved and proved themselves to be inquisitive, responsible and respectful St Lawrence Learners. We are very proud of them all! Mrs Ross & Miss Temple - Year 2 Teachers "The trip was really cool and exciting. I loved the Planetarium!" Elsie "The Science Centre was really really good. My favourite part was the big guitar we could all fit into!" Alister "My favourite parts were the Planetarium and firing the rockets" Tianna "It was a great day out and I really loved the Planetarium!" Joe
Tuesday 19 November 2024 Remembrance Day We supported The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal by running a poppy stand at lunch times. Thank you to Abi, Thea, Alexa and Olivia in Year 6 for selling poppies and poppy related items in school to raise money for The Royal British Legion.
Tuesday 19 November 2024 Year 4 The Look Out Discovery Centre Trip Well done to Year 4 for a wonderful day of being Scientific St Lawrence Learners.The class were so respectful and kind to each other, our adults and other visitors at The Look Out.We learnt things about electricity, forces, the human body, space, reflections, soundwaves, and light, and we even climbed a tower! We have already covered some of these topics in Science, and now we have a head start on the topics we will be covering over the rest of the year.We even got to spend some time in nature and all had an amazing day.
Friday 8 November 2024 Year 3 Pre-History Workshop We enjoyed a pre-history workshop. We were able to explore different artefacts found from the stoneage, including arrowheads and tools they made. We also tried on some clothes that would have been worn, didsome weaving, smelt some stone-age smells and worked to identify different bones!
Thursday 24 October 2024 Year R Surrey Fire and Rescue Visit Our Reception class had quite the adventure recently when they received a visit from a fire engine! The childrenwere fascinated by the big red truck and all its impressive equipment.It was a fantastic opportunity for them to learn about fire safety and the important work our local firefightersdo, they even tried out the water hoses. Thank you to Mr Draper and Mr Sarginson for this amazing visit.Miss Campbell, Reception Class Teacher
Friday 11 October 2024 Visit from Surrey Heath MP, Al Pinkerton Surrey Heath MP, Al Pinkerton, recently visited our school. As the new MP for Surrey Heath, he was keen to get to know the school and our pupils. The children were very keen to tell him all about the school's values and attitudes and what makes a 'good St Lawrence Learner.'
Friday 11 October 2024 Sponsored 2km Last Friday all of the children at St Lawrence completed a 2km sponsored run, walk, jog or wheel. What a glorious morning it was! The route consisted of 3 laps of our full site including the field, ks1 and ks2 playground! All of the children really did try their best and completed this task with lots of energy, determination and resilience. We noticed a huge improvement from last year.
Thursday 10 October 2024 Wellbeing Afternoon For wellbeing afternoon the wellbeing ambassadors and play leaders led each class in 5 ways of wellbeing - Connect, keep Learning, be Active, take Notice and Give.
Wednesday 2 October 2024 Year 5 Sayers Croft Residential Year 5 visited Sayer’s croft for 2 nights to take part in a variety of physical, mental and team building games.
Monday 30 September 2024 Year 4 Anglo Saxon Day Year 4 were thrown back in time to the days of the Anglo Saxons, we experienced life as it would have been way back when. Some Epic costumes were worn and they all looked the part. Thanks to Mrs James and Mrs Igoe we baked some yummy flapjacks and brewed some mead. The flapjacks were a hit, the mead split the class. We wrote in runes and Mrs Sherston deciphered our messages. We decorated mosaic plates, weaved bracelets and made lavender bags to trade and had an Anglo Saxon market. The end of the day we had an epic game of capture the flag and experienced the invasion part of our history. A wonderful day and well done Year 4.
Friday 27 September 2024 Training for Wellbeing ambassadors and play leaders The wellbeing ambassadors and the play leaders attended training this week about how they can help promote wellbeing in our school. We learnt about the 5 ways of wellbeing and how to find balance.
Friday 2 August 2024 Uniform changes August free delivery code 0177-08463-0862
Friday 1 September 2023 Virtual School Tour and Reception Class Video We welcome you to watch our Virtual school tour and Reception class video.
Monday 12 June 2023 Current Vacancies We are currently looking to recruit support staff, for more details please click here.
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